WhereTo Get What?

Loft Clothing is one of the official Malaysian distributors of Star 500 merchandises, the company that carries music T-shirts and Band Merchandise.Serious buyer only!

Mr.Andy = 0168320259

click here to view samples http://1089ao0s.RichABC.com/

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

11 Perfumes untuk lelaki kebanyakkan

So kat bawah ni were fragrance yg ''dilistkan'' sbg top selling untuk lelaki..tp whooops you ''wait semenet''.
Aku tambah 1 lagi PHERO-X dlm list ni.Most important is..korang kena paham,''most selling'' doesn't means ''paling wangi''.Not necessary korang pakai perfume yang 'tengit' utk having a good impression.Tapi,bad body odor lagi unacceptable